Monday, May 20, 2013

not your average ballet.

So today I got to go and watch three pieces by Ballet West. Spun, Mercurial, and Behind Closed Doors. It was so awesome! They were contemporary ballet pieces and that was fun because that's not something I get to see very often. And the dancers on that company are crazy good! The whole time I was just engulfed by their performing. It was as if the dancers and I shared this unspoken third dimension together. It felt like it was only the dancers and I in that auditorium.
And I really like the word Mercurial. The piece was amazing, but I didn't enjoy it as much as the other ones. But holy cow. What an amazing word "mercurial" is. Mer-cu-ri-al: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes. 

And then they did a number called Spun I really liked it and the music. Most of the time the partners were dancing together holding onto these three foot ropes. And they did so well with them that I forgot they were there. It made me realize how connected we are when we dance. not just to our partner, but to all the other dancers on stage.

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