I read two really great books recently.
Legend by Marie Lu, and the sequel,
Prodigy. This first one isn't as good as the second one. It just doesn't have really good writing, it seems like an amateur wrote it. But the writing does get better in the second book. They were really great books though. To sum it all up, it's about a soldier girl in the military who falls in love with the republics most wanted criminal. I read the first one and while I was reading the second one my friend Jo picked it up and told me that it had the most tragic ending ever. So I took it home and finished it that night and Oh. My. Gosh. Tragic is an understatement! It was 11:30 p.m. when I finished reading it and after I read the last few words I screamed and yelled like a crazy lady. I won't give any spoilers, but is has one of those endings where it doesn't tell you what happens next. This could happen or something else could happen but it doesn't tell you which one really happens! It leaves you hanging there! I hope I didn't wake anyone up... But then I went to school today and ranted all about it to Jo while she did my nails.
I love it when you have friends who read the books you do. Because it's not the same just explaining it to Becky and then telling her why it's dumb. It only works to really express your feelings to someone who has read the book too. Well super good books, go read them. They're only teen books so they're super easy to get through.
One more thought.... I don't like how Marie Lu makes her "about the author" photos look like model shots. It's just a little weird... And who changes their "about the author" photos. You're supposed to stick with the same one right? That's weird...
a little weird. |
a lot weird. |
P.S. If you do read the book, you will discover that she made the wanted criminal, Day, have long blonde hair. Ew! I don't know if I'm alone in this or not but I think guys with long hair are really unattractive. The whole time while I was reading the book I just pictured him with short hair. Yah, it's better that way. Why do girls think guys with long hair are handsome. I just never really liked the whole Fabio thing.
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