Monday, June 10, 2013


I know this blog is about the awesome things in life... but sometimes things are just so stupid. Things that are stupid:
  • Colonel Has No "R": What in the world!?! Do you know how many times I've gotten that wrong on spelling tests just because I added an R. Why is there no R?? I never even pronounced it like that because there was never an R. I always said something like cuh-low-null. Why can't people just spell things the way they sound. Like the word Bologna... I Seriously grew up my whole life believing that bologna( pronounced bah-log-na) was a different thing from bologna( pronounced bah-low-knee). Who in the world decided upon the spelling for these two words??? what were they thinking? They just wanted all the third graders to fail their spelling tests that's what.
  • "I Could Care Less": Why do people say "I could care less" when you say something like "I'm so sad Robert got suspended". Ok,saying that you could care less means that you do, in fact, care. It means that you do care at some level or you wouldn't be able to give less care. People should really say "I couldn't care less". That means like I care so little it is impossible for me to care less.
  • "What?": So sometimes I'll be talking to my sister or someone and then they don't hear me so they'll say "what". And oh my freaking gosh! I'm like "It is six a.m. Do you know how much energy I put into saying that one word to you? And you didn't hear it!?!" And then I just say never mind because I'm too lazy to re-say what I just tried so hard to say. 
  • Laundry Paranoia: I hate when I'm staying over at my sisters house and I want to wash some of my clothes and she's like "Ok then, Put all your light clothes in one pile, all your darks in one pile, along with whites, colors, oh and reds".... What the heck!?! This my friends is what we call "Laundry Paranoia". When someone is paranoid that their red clothes will bleed into their blue and green clothes so they convince themselves that they need to wash them in separate batches. Or that their "light colored batch" is any different from "pure whites" and their light pink and baby blue clothes will infect the white ones and their sharp white socks will be no longer virgin... crazy psycho if you ask me.
  • Unattractive Men: Why do girls like men who are so weird looking? Since when was long hair or freakishly big muscles attractive??? And smoking. When was that ever good looking. Am I the only one who finds this repulsing?

My last rant I swear...
  • Germiphobes: "Eew! Don't lay on the ground!" and, "yuck do you know where that has been?!" don't even get me started on "Thrift shops are so not sanitary!" Grow up and grow an immune system. 

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