Tuesday, May 28, 2013

nicole will die alone.

My best friend ever, Nicole, told me that she was gonna die cause she can't finish Doctor Who cause her Netflix trial ended. And then I told her that I was gonna die too because all the books I wanted to get at the library were still on hold and I just wanted to read them already... but not anymore!!! So this afternoon I was checking my e-mail, you know just casually scrolling through my inbox and BAM! Four of the books I put on hold all came in at the same time!!! Yes! I'm so excited to go get them and read them all!!! So I'm sorry Nicole, I will no longer be able to die with you as I have four books to read. And I have to wait until November anyway because that's when all, seriously, all the sequels come out.

I am so jealous! One of my friends Maren is in Europe right now. I think Greece maybe. But I am sooo  jealous. I wanna go to Europe, travel the world.... While I'm thinking about travel and all that.... some nice travel photos...

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