Thursday, May 30, 2013


John Green. I love him. He's hilarious, smart, and thinks just like me. But actually this book was a little bit of a let down. I heard about this book because a friend recommended that I read The Fault In Our Stars. And that book was amazing so I went and checked out John and Hank Greens' video blogs. Freaking awesome. So I fell in love with them and I was like "Imma read ALL of his books!!! They have to be good because they're written by him!" So yah, I put all the books on hold at the library (freaking library) and I read it. I don't know... Most books (especially John's books) have bigger deeper meanings other than what the plot is about. Like if you asked me what The Great Gatsby  was about I'd say "rich white folks". But if you asked me what is the meaning I would say "you can't turn back time and you can't recreate the past no matter how great you are".

And so I was reading this book and soon enough I found myself reading the last page and I was like, "wait.... what was the point?!?!?!" I don't know it just kinda seemed like there should have been something more significant to the book. But it was pretty much a book about high school students acting like college students... smoking, drinking, and having sex. I mean there was no deep, philosophic, John Green, meaning to it. And so I stayed up forever last night after I finished reading it trying to figure out the deep, thoughtful, abysmal meaning and it just made me soooooooo confused cause I was just racking my brain for answers! I was just trying to figure out why it got such great reviews and why english 11 teachers would have their students read it (seriously there was a lot of sex talk).

Anyway, everyone relates to books differently.So it wasn't a good book to me but it might be for you if you can figure out the profound meaning or if you like to read about sex. I didn't like it. It wasn't good. But it wasn't bad either.

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