Sunday, October 13, 2013

i love it.

This is a piece called "Monday" by Banksy. And it has completely changed the way I think about Mondays. Here's this kid, and he probably doesn't have as nice of a living situation as most of us. And here we are in America, complaining about Mondays. I don't get why people hate Monday so much. What, are you complaining that you have a job to go to in the morning so that you can make money and buy yourself a nice life? Are you complaining that you have the chance and the money to pay for a house to live in? Are you complaining that you woke up this morning? That kid wouldn't be. I'm not. I love it that I can wake up in a great place and go to school and learn and work hard and help others. I love Mondays!

 I've decided to never complain about Monday again. Because what is there to complain about?

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