Imma just give you the official description: : When 16-year-old Hope, waitress extraordinaire, moves cross-country to Wisconsin with her aunt Addie to run the Welcome Stairways Diner, Hope isn’t sure she’ll fit in. But she quickly finds herself involved in the small town’s mayoral race, as G. T., owner of the diner, surprises everyone with his entry into the race. After all, G. T. has leukemia. And his opponent is the previously undefeated longtime mayor. Some think G. T. is crazy, but Hope sees the goodness and power in him. Will everyone else see it too? Joan Bauer, known for creating strong, unique, feminine characters, finds in Hope a sharp heroine who won’t soon be forgotten.
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This book, was amazing! It made me really want to be a waitress (but not at like some big place like Applebee's. Just some small diner in the middle of nowhere). I didn't expect this book to be mainly about some guys campaign for mayor ( I don't know why. I mean it even said it on the back of the book). This book, is an excellent piece of realistic fiction. John Green actually recommended it in a video. I'm really glad I read it. This is a beautiful book that captures perfectly, what life is about.
I read this a couple years ago! I love Joan Bauer's