Wednesday, July 3, 2013

a different love.


My sisters and I were all doing a crafty craft that was supposed to look something like this... and so I started to do the cool design that you paint over.. And then I was too lazy to put the words (make art. make tea. make love.) on there so I just painted them on with my paint brush. And I was like, "Look Mom (actually I call her mother, but that is a foreign word to some people, and they might get confused), look what I made". And she was like, "Rose I don't know if you should write 'make love' on there". And I would just like to say, there are so many other ways to "make love" other than reproducing! There are plenty of ways to "make love", for example: giving compliments. Feeding the poor. Donating to charity. Hugs. Making new friends. Putting up beautiful things like street art, or writing beautiful books, that people love. Love does not just mean sex. This is love:




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