Monday, July 1, 2013

suits were made for men not boys.

I was sitting by a boy. On a bus. On our way to go watch a contemporary ballet. And I was sitting by the window, looking out of it. And as we drove past a homeless shelter, soup kitchen place with homeless people lounging around, he leaned over to look out too and said "ew, gross." And later added "just kidding". Had I been aware at the moment I would have chewed him out big time. But it didn't register with me what he really said until later that day. What I should have done, I should have turned to him and told him "No. That's not gross. Not every body was as fortunate as you. Not everybody grew up with such great conditions like you have. And not everyone has had a good education like you have, and they won't be able to get a job like you will." I swear I spent the rest of the day just being annoyed by that guy. Holy cow! I'm not even a Mormon like he is and I don't talk that way about other people. I'm so grateful I have a wonderful life.

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