Sunday, June 16, 2013

nicole's birthday gift.

I still have to get Nicole a birthday gift. So I was gonna buy Nicole Paper Towns by John Green, but then she told me, after I ordered it, that she's already read it. And, I don't know, I just don't wanna buy her a book that she's read already because, most people don't re-read books. And I didn't want to buy her a book just to add to her two-shelved library. I wanted to buy her a book she's never read. So I kept Paper Towns. And I'm glad. Because it was a really good book. While I was reading it I was like hey, I should write these cool quotes down. But then I remembered that the copy was mine! So yah I just highlighted it ( not in yellow though, I will never highlight in yellow. It just reminds me of all of my mom and dads boring, self help, yellow highlighted books. I used pink, orange, and blue). 

Paper Towns is about a guy named Q. When he was a child he was friends with Margo Roth Spiegelman. But ever since, he has spent his high school years admiring and loving her adventurous self from afar.  Then one night, Margo shows up at his window sill dressed like a ninja, demanding his presence and his minivan, on her quest for revenge. After their all-night adventure, the next day at school, Q discovers that Margo has become a mystery, and he becomes unsure of who she really is. The more Q follows Margo's clues that she left for him, and the closer he gets to discovering her, the more uncertain he becomes about who the real Margo Roth Spiegelman was and is.

You know when you're texting people and you say something slightly humorous and they text back LOL, but you know they didn't really laugh out loud? On several occasions while reading this book, I literally LOLed. This book was full of adventures and dirty jokes (well, that's what I've come to expect of John). I would say, yes, read it. I was also very delighted by the number of good quotes I found in this book: 

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