So yah, it's been awhile since I actually blogged about things other than books. It occurred to me that it may seem like all I do is read books, listen to music, and pin on Pinterest.... well... yah. But I also have a life! For example: this weekend I went to go visit my aunt and her family. But unlike most people, visiting my aunt is like living in a fairy tale... she lives in a cabin type place in the middle of the desert on the bank of the Green River.
the view from my aunt's back door. |
a desert sunset. |
Whilst at my aunts I did plenty of fun things. I sat in the shade of their backyard trees and listened to my uncle Jay tell a million stories with his hick accent, my favorite one being the one where he calls up a man to tell him if he tries to take his kids away then he's "gonna come and get you for it. Cause you know, I sat in my backyard yesterday and I decided that there's some things worth livin' for and some things worth dyin' for". Ahh. wise words from my good, old, slightly crazy uncle.
I also spent the evening swimming in the river. And by swimming I mean playing Marco Polo once, building sand castles and sand mermaids, and hunting for clay in the sand. (What's that on my shirt? That's right! It's the Chinese character for "dance")
waiting for a ride at the door. |
a truck ride to the river. |
Alanzo. |
marco polo. |
Wesley's a merman. |
and my brothers are a little gay. |
the sisters. |
// |
gotta admire those pecs. |
the sand castle. |
the search for clay. |
And then we drove back home in my cousins jeep. My cousins jeep with no breaks. After we all changed and dinner was made, the crazy story telling went something like this:
Becky. Me. El Papa. Uncle Jay. |
crazy amusing uncle. |
And then I spent the night outside in my sleeping bag under the stars. Stayed up until two just stargazing. That's my favorite thing about the desert and camping. The stars that you can't see from the city. The next day I went four wheeling a ton. And my brother Phillip made sure to drive super fast up and down all
the steep hills while I was on the back. On our way home we stopped to check out my brother-in-law's property:
just land. |
And wesley had to climb on top of the backhoe:
// |
So yah. Although I do mostly just read books and listen to music I also play Marco Polo. I've also decided that I wouldn't mind living out in the middle of the desert along a river bank.
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